Make a donation

Would you like to support ExÆquo​ financially ? Any donation over 40€ is tax deductible in Belgium. Fiscal receipts will be given the following year in April.

Making a donation to ExAequo has never been so easy and so cheap.

In 2020, the tax reduction has been increased to 60% instead of the usual 45%, which means that your 40€ donation would only really cost you 16€.

A 40€ donation is equivalent to a 3.34€ monthly transfer for 12 months.

How to make a donation ?

  • Via a bank transfer on the following account :
  • IBAN : BE68 0682 2608 8334  (Belfius)
  • With visa or mastercard :
    Our new online donation plateform allows you to decide on an amount you want to give monthly. You also get an annual fiscal receipt combining your yearly donations. If you choose the monthly transfer, you can stop it anytime you want.
    > Make a donation to Exaequo
    (in French) <

If you are a Belgian resident and you donate more than €40 per calendar year, please send us your national number (NISS) by email to