Your questions, our answers

Hello, I would like to have a standard test for STD (klamydia, ghonarria etc.). I am a Danish citizen, living and working in Bruxelles. My address is Avenue Louise. Is it possible to get a free test for these STDs in Bruxelles, and what do I do? Thanks

Unfortunately it is impossible to get a free test for STIs in Belgium. I'll give you a few scenarios here:
1. You have a health insurance in Belgium, then you should go to planning marolles (rue de la roue 21, 02 511 29 90) and say you come from ex aequo. They will be able to give you an appointment with a gay friendly doctor. It costs 6€ to see the doctor, and you will get an invoice of about 12€ for the analysis.

2. You have a health insurance in Denmark but not in Belgium, then you can do the same as above. You will have to pay 25€ to see the doctor, and the invoice will be about 80€. You can ask that money back in your home country.

3. You have a health insurance card in Denmark and you have the European health card. You can do the same as above and go to any Belgiam "mutuelle", show them your bills and your european card and ask for your money back. You don't have to tell them that you live in Belgium.

4. You don't have a health insurance in Denmark nor in Belgium and you can't afford the prices above, then you should try to go to centre elisa (rue des alexiens, 11) and explain your situation and see what they can do for you. It's open monday morning, wednesday afternoon (if you're under 29 years old) and Thursday afternoon.

For an HIV test only you can always come to ex aequo, or centre elisa, it's free, but HIV only.

If you need more info, you can also call us 02 736 28 61 :)

L'équipe d'Exaequo.
