Your questions, our answers

I heard your centre is a participant of the European Testing Week in Brussels, Belgium. I wanted to benefit from this initiative and come and undergo testing at your centre. What is your working hours and when do you collect materials for testing, what are the requirements? Is it free of charge since it is taking place in the European Testing Week?
Thanks for contacting us!

Exaequo offers free HIV/Syphilis and Hepatitis C all year round, upon previous appointment.

We are increasing our offer on occasion of the European Testing week. This week, people can also come without appointment:

Every day from 12h to 14h and from 17h to 21h, free, confidential and instant result for HIV, syphilis and hepatitis C;
This Friday 29, from 14h to 16h, full STD Check up. You need to come with a "vignette" from your insurance: the visit will cost you 6 EUR (cash in hand) and then 13 EUR for the analysis (for which you'll receive an invoice at home). For this, we recommend you take an appointment anyway as the agenda may fill very fast.

Let us know if you are interested.

L'équipe d'Exaequo.

Tags: Dépistage