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Are blowjobs safe when talking about Covid-19 ?

Thank you for your question.

At this stage, what we know is that COVID19 can be found in respiratory fluids and feces. Not in semen and other genital fluids.

The recommendations about social distancing are clear: stay 1.5meter away from people who do not live with you because droplets of saliva could reach you.

Let's have a look at more specific situations:
If you're thinking of giving a blowjob to someone who lives with you and is not sick, this would be safe if you're not sick either.
If you're thinking of giving a blowjob to someone who doesn't live with you, that would mean getting close to them, and that is not safe for coronavirus.
Also, even if you're not kissing that person, giving a blowjob would involve a high quantity of saliva that you could leave on your partner's body and genitalia. If they touche those parts with their fingers and put them on their face, there's a high risk you could transmit them the virus. Or if they touched their penis with their hands and those hands were in their mouth before, there's a high risk you would catch covid19 if they're sick.

I hope you understand that intricate explanation. In a more simpler way:
If you live with your partner and you both seem healthy, you're free to have as much consensual sex as you want. Other than that, it's not recommend that you leave your place or meet anyone new for sex.

Feel free if you have any other question/comment

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